Logo Management

The Logo Management section allows users to upload, manage, and update their logos. Logos must meet the specified format and size requirements.

Accessing Logo Management

  1. Navigate to Settings in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on Logo Management.

Uploading a Logo

  1. Click the Upload Logo button.

  1. Enter a File Name.
  2. Click Choose File and select an image.
    • Accepted formats: .png, .jpeg
    • Maximum size: 5 MB
    • Dimensions: Max height: 60px, Max width: 160px

  1. Click Save to upload the logo.

Editing a Logo

  1. Locate the logo in the table.
  2. Click the Edit button under the Actions column.
  3. Update the file name or replace the existing logo.
  4. Click Save to apply changes.

Deleting a Logo

  1. Locate the logo in the table.
  2. Click the Delete button under the Actions column.
  3. Confirm the deletion.


  • If no logos are available, the table will display: "No data available in table."
  • Logos must follow the format and size restrictions to be accepted.