Dialer Schedule Callbacks Report

The Dialer Schedule Callbacks Report provides a detailed analysis of scheduled callbacks, helping supervisors and managers monitor callback efficiency and performance.

Agent Filter

  • This helps you filter out the report based on the selected agent.

Date Selection

  • Click on the date selection tool, as shown in the screenshot above.
  • The date selection tool allows users to define the time range for the dashboard data. Users can select predefined ranges (e.g., Last 7 Days, Last Month) or choose a custom time frame by specifying start and end dates/times. However, the filter allows the selection of a maximum of 30 days in one go to ensure optimal performance and data accuracy.

Key Metrics

Callbacks ScheduledTotal number of callbacks scheduled within the selected time frame.
Callbacks HandledTotal number of scheduled callbacks successfully handled by agents.
Callbacks Not HandledTotal number of scheduled callbacks that were not handled by agents.
Callbacks Handled on TimeTotal number of callbacks handled within the scheduled time.
Callbacks Handling PercentagePercentage of callbacks handled relative to the total scheduled callbacks.
On-Time Callbacks Handling PercentagePercentage of callbacks handled on time relative to the total scheduled callbacks.
  • The callback report also provides summaries broken down by date and by agent.

Date wise summary

Agent wise summary