Interactions Error Codes


**In case Interactions fail to set up or load.


Troubleshooting Step: Check the browser settings, especially under the Performance section. If the Energy Saver option is enabled, it might cause such issues. Disable the Energy Saver option as a troubleshooting step to resolve the problem.

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the error codes used in our system, along with their corresponding messages. The error codes are categorized to facilitate easy reference and troubleshooting by support personnel. The following tables organize the error messages by category and error code, with visual distinctions to enhance readability.

Categories and Error Codes

Category CodeCategory Title
03API Calls [Template - 031, Media - 032]
06Server Errors

General Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
010001Invalid RequestThe request made to the server is invalid. This could be due to malformed syntax, missing required parameters, or incorrect parameter types.
010002Temporarily BlockedYour access has been temporarily blocked due to policy violations. Contact support if this is an error.
010003Account LockedYour account has been locked due to suspicious activity or multiple failed login attempts. Contact support.
010004Recipient Cannot Be SenderThe recipient cannot be the same as the sender. Please correct the recipient information and try again.
010005Message UndeliverableThe message could not be delivered. Please check the message details and try again.
010006Account InactiveYour account is currently inactive. Please contact support for assistance in reactivating your account.

Authentication Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
020001Token ExpiredThe authentication token has expired.
020002Invalid CredentialsThe provided credentials are invalid.
020003Unauthorized AccessUnauthorized access. You lack the required permissions to proceed.
020004Two-Step Verification PIN MismatchThe two-step verification PIN does not match. Please try again.
020005Phone Number Re-verification NeededPhone number re-verification is needed. Please verify your phone number.
020006Phone Number Not RegisteredThe phone number is not registered. Please register the phone number to continue.
020007Wait Before RegisteringPlease wait a few minutes before attempting to register this phone number again.
020008Two-Step PIN Guessed Too FastYou have attempted to guess the two-step verification PIN too quickly. Please wait a moment before trying again.

API Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
030001Method Not AllowedThe HTTP method used in the request is not allowed for the specified resource.
030002Invalid ParametersThe parameters provided in the API request are invalid or missing required information.
030003Rate Limit ExceededThe rate limit for API requests has been exceeded. Please wait a while before making more requests.
030004Unsupported Message TypeThe message type is not supported by the API. Please check the API documentation for supported message types.
030005Phone Number DeletedThe phone number has been deleted. Please contact support!

Template Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
031001Parameter Count MismatchThe template parameter count does not match the expected number of parameters.
031002Template Not ExistThe specified template does not exist. Please check the template identifier.
031003Hydrated Text Too LongThe hydrated text in the template is too long. Please shorten the text and try again.
031004Format Character Policy ViolatedThe template format violates character policy. Please ensure the template follows the required format.
031005Parameter Format MismatchThe template parameter format does not match the expected format. Please correct the parameter format.
031006Template Is PausedThe template is currently paused. Please activate the template to use it.

Media Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
032001Media Download ErrorMedia download error. Please try again later.
032002Media Upload ErrorMedia upload error. Please try again later.

Permissions Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
040001Permission DeniedYou do not have permission to perform this action. Your account may be locked or your permissions have been denied.
040002Permissions RemovedThe permissions for this resource have been removed or your account has been locked. Please contact the administrator if you believe this is an error.
040003Incorrect CertificateThe provided certificate is incorrect. Please check the certificate and try again.

Vendor Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
050001Vendor Account in Maintenance ModeThe vendor account is in maintenance mode. Please try again later or contact support.
050002Reengagement MessageMessage failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number.

Server Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
060001Internal Server ErrorAn internal server error has occurred. Please try again later.
060002Service UnavailableThe service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
060003Server Temporarily UnavailableThe server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
060004Server OverloadedThe server is temporarily unable to process your request due to maintenance or being overloaded. Please try again later.

Payment Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
070001Business Eligibility Payment IssueBusiness eligibility payment issue. Please contact support.

Default Error Messages

Error CodeTitleError Message
080001Unknown ErrorAn unknown error occurred. Please try again later or contact support.

This documentation serves as a quick reference guide to assist support personnel in identifying and resolving issues efficiently.