This guide will help you navigate the Acefone portal to view all SFTP configurations available in your account

Navigating to SFTP Configuration

Follow these steps to view the list of SFTP configurations:

  1. Log into your Acefone account.
  2. Navigate to Settings:
    • On the left sidebar, click Manage Settings.
    • Expand the Manage SFTP section.
    • Click on All SFTP to view all configured SFTP servers.

Table Fields and Descriptions

Field NameDescription
IDUnique identifier for the SFTP configuration.
NameName assigned to the SFTP configuration.
HostThe IP address or hostname of the SFTP server.
PortThe port used to connect to the SFTP server (e.g., 22 for standard SFTP).
UsernameThe username used for authentication.
Target Folder PathThe directory on the SFTP server where files will be stored.
ActionProvides options to manage the SFTP configuration, such as edit, test connection, delete, and setting it as the default for call recordings.