Data Retention Policy


  • Acefone platform seeks to ensure that it retails only data necessary to effectively conduct
    its program activities and work in fulfilment of its mission.
    This policy supports the high-level policy statements defined in information security policy.
    Data retention policy refers to the rules of managing account data storage for optimal
    system performance and reliability and backup the account data of the users of Acefone
    and its entities.


  • Purpose of this document is to ensure necessary records, documents & information of the
    company containing customer data are retained for no longer than necessary for the
    purposes for which personal data are processed.
    The need to retain data varies widely with the type of data and the purpose for which it
    was collected. Acefone strives to ensure that data is only retained for the period necessary
    to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected and is fully deleted when no longer required.
    This policy. sets forth Acefone's guidelines on data retention and is to be consistently
    applied thought the organisation.


  • This policy covers all data collected by Acefone platform and stored on Acefone platform
    owned or leased systems and media, regardless of location. It applies to both data collected
    and held electronically (including recordings, CDR and summary etc.). The need to retain
    certain information may be mandated by federal or local law, federal regulations, and
    legitimate business purposes, as well as the regulatory authority.
    The scope of this document applies to all business functions of Acefone platform and its
    respective entities and shall be committed to comply with applicable legal, regulatory,
    contractual, statutory and security requirements for protecting information assets within
    the organisation.

Reasons for Data Retention

  • Acefone platform retains only that data that is necessary to effectively conduct its program
    activities, fulfil its mission and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
    Reasons for data retention include:
    β€’ Providing an ongoing service to the data subject (e.g. CDR, Summary, user
    transcripts, agent handoffs etc.)
    β€’ Regulatory requirements
    β€’ Security incidents or other investigations
    β€’ Litigations

Acefone Platform Data Retention Policy

  • Acefone platform enforces rules for managing account data storage for optimal system
    performance and reliability. The Platform do not store any Personal Information (PI) and
    Financial Information (FI) of the end users or Client.
    Acefone platform keeps the usage data in platform available for 12 calendar months.
    Platform automatically archives data prior to the 12 calendar months and keeps it in cold
    storage for 12 calendar months.

Retention Policy for Recently Downloaded Items in Insights

  1. Retention Period
  • Recently downloaded items will be kept for 3 days from the date of download.
  • After 3 days, downloads will automatically be deleted.
  1. User Responsibility
  • Users should save important downloads to their own devices within 3 days.
  • Insights cannot recover deleted downloads after this period.

Archived Data

  • We will be archiving data in the list below. Any other data out of this list is not removed
    and will be available on the platform for the prolonged time-period.
    β€’ User Transcripts
    β€’ Call logs
    β€’ All Analytics
    β€’ Campaigns
    β€’ Voice-bot users
    β€’ Live chat handoffs
    β€’ Ratings
    β€’ Use case histories
    β€’ Audit logs
    β€’ Action histories
    β€’ Bot setting histories
    β€’ Broadcast Executors
    β€’ Logs & CDR
    β€’ User profiles
    β€’ Conversation credit histories

Duration of availability

  • All the data that is mentioned in "Archived Data" section follows the availability mentioned



    If a user extension is deleted from the account, any call recordings with this
    user will also be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. We recommended
    downloading and saving any recordings or logs you need to retain before deleting any
    user from your account. If your account is terminated (Service Termination), then all call
    logs and recordings will be deleted and cannot be recovered. We recommend
    downloading and saving any recordings or logs you need to retain before proceeding with
    service termination. CDR available in the Archived Section will be available in monthly
    CSV files for download and no option to apply filters or create reports from older CDR will
    begiven. All reports which depend on CDR will also be available for the same duration as
    the CDR.

  • Call Detail Record (CDR) & Messaging Detail Record (MDR) – CDR & MDR for 12
    months through portal and additional 1 year in archival will be available on
    request basis.
    • Day 1 to Day 90 - Available on UI with functionalities like quick download,
      filters can be applied, etc.
    • Day 91 to Day 365 - Available on UI but stored on simple storage in the
      form of batch files and can be downloaded easily by the user using the
      'Download Archive Report' option.
    • Days 366 to Days 730 – Available in archive database and can be provided
      to client based on request to Support Team. The archive data can be
      provided in max 5,000 records or 50GB file size (whichever is higher) per
      request and it will require min 5 working days to provide the logs.
  • Summary Report – All reports which are derived from CDR such as Agent
    Performance Report, Number wise reports, etc, and doesn’t come under the
    definition of logs is termed as Summary Report.
    All Summary reports older than 6 months will not be available through the
    online portal.
    • Day 1 to Day 90 - Available on UI with functionalities like quick
      download, filters can be applied, etc.
    • Day 91 to Day 180 - Available on UI but stored on simple storage in
      the form of batch files and can be downloaded easily by the user
      using the 'Download Archive Report' option.
      Summary report can be scheduled on Daily, Weekly & Hourly basis to have
      a longer retention period and will be subjected to customer safe keeping.
  • Logs – Logs are used to track the events that occur on the platform. Logs are
    broadly categorized as:
    • Activity Logs – Activity logs older than 3 months will not be available
      through the online portal.
    • General/Service specific Logs – Logs which are only used for
      troubleshooting purposes (eg. SMS Logs, Email Logs, API Logs, etc.) older
      than 14-days will not be available through online portal and backend.
    • Call Recordings – Call recordings will automatically be deleted after defined
      months (based on subscribed plan).


    • Any exception to the policy must be approved and recorded by the Information Security
      Manager in advance and reported to the Management Review Team.
      Any data that needs to be retained for more than the data retention policy should be
      procured from backend operations team and transferred to Client's own storage location.

    Data Duplication

    • Acefone platform seeks to avoid duplication in data storage whenever possible, though
      there may be instances in which for programmatic or other business reasons it is necessary
      for data to be held in more than one place. This policy applies to all the data in Acefone
      platform possession including duplicate copies of data.

    Data Destruction

    • Data destruction ensures that Acefone Platform manages the data in controls and
      processes it in an efficient and responsible manner. When the retention period for the data
      as outlined above expires, Acefone platform will actively destroy the data covered by this
      policy. If an individual believes that there exists a legitimate business reason why certain
      data should not be destroyed at the end of a retention period, he or she should identify
      this data to his/her supervisor and provide information as to why the data should not be
      destroyed. Any exceptions to this data retention policy must be approved by Acefone
      platform data protection officer in consultation with legal counsel.
      In case of a disconnection of Services from any Customer, the Acefone platform destructs
      the complete configuration and activity logs data of the disconnected account after 60-
      days from the decommissioning request in the Platform.
      In rare circumstances a litigation holds to be issued by legal counsel prohibiting the
      destruction of certain documents. A litigation hold remains in effect until released by legal
      counsel and prohibits the destruction of data subject to the hold.