Insights Dashboard

Getting Started with Insights Dashboard

  • To go to Insights Dashboard to your Acefone account, first log in using your unique User ID and Password. Once logged in, you will be directed to the main dashboard. From there, locate the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen and click on "Insights".
    • Below is the explanation of its main components:
Call TypeProvides a graphical representation of the breakdown of call types, such as missed and answered calls.
Call SolutionsDisplays the distribution of calls based on the solutions used, including Incoming, Click-to-Call, Dialer, and Broadcast.
Quick AccessOffers direct links to access detailed reports, such as:
- Agent Performance Report: Takes you to the agent performance analysis page.
- Call Detail Records (CDR): Redirects you to the section containing call detail records.


  • The navigation menu on the left allows users to switch between various modules. The highlighted icon in the red box represents the current section being viewed: Insights Dashboard.
    • This dashboard is designed for quick, at-a-glance insights, offering both visual summaries and easy navigation to detailed reports.